Blue Butterfly Flew And Found a Blue Rose

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time
There was a blue butterfly
It likes to fly from one flower to another flower
Its favorite flower was the rose
A bright red rose

One day the blue butterfly flew and found a Blue Rose!
And it was confused
Because it knew there was no such colour for a rose
A blue rose is very odd
But the butterfly was so curious, extremely curious
So it flew closer and closer
It was also nervous
And excited

The blue butterfly looked at the blue rose and smelled the sweetness
It was so happy to smell it from the blue rose
So it decided to fly closer and landed on it

When it landed on the rose, the rose said “Hey you! What are you doing standing my head?”
And the butterfly was shocked
And it said “I didn’t know you could talk!”
And the rose said “yes I can, and you are standing on my head!”
With a nervous laugh the butterfly flew off the head and inspected the rose carefully
“You are such a strange rose, why are you blue?” Asked the butterfly

The rose laughed merrily
“I don’t know why I am blue, but what’s important is that I am alive and here, isn’t?” The rose said
“You are right” said the butterfly with a smile
“Can we be friends?” Asked the rose
The butterfly nodded his head and said “yes, just because you are different doesn’t mean we cannot be friends”

And the rose smile widely
“You can sit on my head if you want, my blue butterfly friend” said the happy rose
And that’s what the butterfly did
And they became good friends from then on

The End


By @Zashnain

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