The Asian Epidemic Model (AEM) Projections for HIV/AIDS in Thailand: 2005-2025


This document presents the results of the updated Asian Epidemic Model (AEM) Projections for HIV/AIDS in Thailand 2005-2025 prepared by the Analysis and Advocacy Project (A2) in Thailand in collaboration with the Thai Working Group on HIV/AIDSProjections, and with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). These updated projectionswere prepared to serve the preparation of the development of the Thailand 10th National AIDS Plan.

The Asian Epidemic Model (AEM) Projections for HIV/AIDS in Thailand: 2005-2025


An avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the plantations of Malaysia to the slums of Thailand. He can be found at and @bedlamfury

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