Trying to Subdue my Impatience

Blog Living

Been thinking about my adventures in Thailand, even now, as I sit by my window, staring at the darkness amidst the rain and wild wind.

I’m back in Malaysia, its been quite hectic, especially post-Ramadan, seeing relatives and catching old friends. Its been a while but I feel somewhat distant from them.

My foot is temporarily disabled, a swollen and tormented toe courtesy of gout and my unstoppable habits of consuming red meat. The recovery, for the past two nights, have been tough.

I’m partially eager to remove myself from my bed and plunge into another adventure.

Such confidence, wish I had it in me now. My toe, it needs rest, a swift one if I may be so bold to declare. That means I’m still confined in this room.

In my boredom, I looked through my stash of photos. Found a few that brought about lingering memories of a laid-back province in south Thailand. Pleasant memories of friendship, travel, food and coffee.

Yes, I was well aware that the province had more than a dose of social problems, violence and poverty. But it gave me what I had sought then, an escape from Bangkok and to meet a largely-forgotten population in Narathiwat.


My right foot tapped impatiently. Yes, I know, I’m in need of another adventure. Fast.

Rare peaceful night

Rare peaceful night

Street vendor cooking roti

Street vendor cooking roti

coffee, Narathiwat-style

coffee, Narathiwat-style


An avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the plantations of Malaysia to the slums of Thailand. He can be found at and @bedlamfury

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