Think Tank My Ass


Think Tank?

Brief Definition: A body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economical problems.

If-you-are-in-the-mood Definition:

My interpretation: A bloody fucking waste of time and resources.

Think Tanks. In actual fact, everyone with a mind (even an unsound one) can be a member of a think tank. Don’t let the publicity of the think tank unnerve you, as behind their PhDs and so-called political connections and vast academic experience, they do nothing except talk, talk and talk. Nothing more. This in fact could easily be done (without calling it a think tank) at a small gathering of talkative friends at the comforts of a coffee shop or a bar. Whats obscene about think tanks are their members. Snobbish fucks. Arrogant motherfuckers with a air of pretense. What do they, as individuals, contribute to the community? And how can they by being prestigious members of this private think tank contribute as a whole? Oh come now, shit, don’t tell me they can give ideas and recommendations to the government! A taxi driver can do that, so can a butler and a policeman. You don’t need a fancy degree and a “Dr” in front of your name to contribute ideas.  Who determined these moronic standards anyway?

How many think tanks are there in your country? What have these groups done to directly solve the poverty problem in your country? Have they done anything for street children and their livelihood?

I say these bourgeois idiots pretend that they are contributing to the country. A bunch of privileged, accent-loving pricks, claiming to be an expert on something which they are obviously not. Don’t waste time with these elites, but if you need opinions about the economy, go ask a janitor, teacher, druguser or even a beach bum. If you want views on politics, don’t waste time with ass-kissing wannabes, instead go talk to the door-to-door salesman, the laborer, the social worker, and even the bus driver.

Think tanks? Ahh! Rubbish!



An avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the plantations of Malaysia to the slums of Thailand. He can be found at and @bedlamfury

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