Slums that became cities

While the builders in Bangkok were raising mountain-like buildings and marvel monstrosity, a different type of architecture was evolving, clustered and confined in the midst of a bustling city. Its massive labyrinthine walls sprawled over many acres and embraced whole communities of slum residents. I bowed to it’s majestic twist of hardship and poverty.   […]

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She has no name, no identity, and she is hungry.

Nameless. She has been nameless and stateless for three seasons. She was born with a name and an identity, once a upon a time, but sadly she possess none, here on the isolated dangerous streets. The colossal city with it’s twisted concrete jungles and monstrous fast-paced roads do not offer comfort nor does it quench […]

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The burden of the rich and how everyone else must be thankful

The burdens of those in caught in the corporate rat race are not always easy. Although they lead a better existence than those living in the slums or in the rainforests, they face what they would say as greater dangers than a slum resident would ever know. Corporate folks place their lives on the line […]

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Poverty Without a Home

The beautiful night sky provides no comfort for those living without a home. The cold, brutal rain wrecks havoc to those without shelter, pounding against their broken bodies. The pollution, the heavy dark smog, suffocates those with no means to protect themselves. The constant hunger churning the shrunk stomach. The constant thirst plagues the dry […]

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