Think Tank My Ass

Think Tank? Brief Definition: A body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economical problems. If-you-are-in-the-mood Definition: My interpretation: A bloody fucking waste of time and resources. ZashnainAn avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the […]

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Rights of Women & Children in ASEAN

“The ASEAN Leaders inaugurated the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) on 07 April 2010 in Hanoi, Vietnam. “The establishment of the ACWC represents the common will of the ASEAN Leaders enshrined in the Vientiane Action Programme in 2004 and the roadmap for the ASEAN Community […]

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Fw: [I AM KARMA] Comment: “Sufiza Unwell”

VGVzdGluZw0KDQotLS0tLS1PcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlLS0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBjb21tZW50LXJl cGx5QHdvcmRwcmVzcy5jb20NClRvOiB6YXNobmFpbkBteS1zdHJhdGVuLmNvbQ0KUmVwbHlUbzog Y29tbWVudCtyM244am90ZnUyaTR2ejExMjltbmRmejRAY29tbWVudC53b3JkcHJlc3MuY29tDQpT dWJqZWN0OiBbSSBBTSBLQVJNQV0gQ29tbWVudDogIlN1Zml6YSBVbndlbGwiDQpTZW50OiBTZXAg NCwgMjAxMSAxOjIxIEFNDQoNCk5ldyBjb21tZW50IG9uIHlvdXIgcG9zdCAiU3VmaXphIFVud2Vs bCINCkF1dGhvciA6IG1vdWkgKElQOiA1OC44LjQxLjIyOSAsIHBwcC01OC04LTQxLTIyOS5yZXZp cDIuYXNpYW5ldC5jby50aCkNCkUtbWFpbCA6IHBvb21qaXRAZ21haWwuY29tDQpVUkwgICAgOiAN Cldob2lzICA6IGh0dHA6Ly93aG9pcy5hcmluLm5ldC9yZXN0L2lwLzU4LjguNDEuMjI5DQpDb21t ZW50OiANCk15IGhlYWRhY2hlIGlzIHZlcnkgYmFkLiBUb29rIDIgbW9yZSBtZWRzIGFuZCBub3cg d2FpdGluZyBmb3IgcGFpbiByZWxpZWYgdG8gc2xlZXAuDQoNCllvdSBjYW4gc2VlIGFsbCBjb21t ZW50cyBvbiB0aGlzIHBvc3QgaGVyZTogDQpodHRwOi8vemFzaG5haW4ud29yZHByZXNzLmNvbS8y MDExLzA5LzA0L3N1Zml6YS11bndlbGwvI2NvbW1lbnRzDQoNClBlcm1hbGluazogaHR0cDovL3ph c2huYWluLndvcmRwcmVzcy5jb20vMjAxMS8wOS8wNC9zdWZpemEtdW53ZWxsLyNjb21tZW50LTMx MQ0KVHJhc2ggaXQ6IGh0dHBzOi8vemFzaG5haW4ud29yZHByZXNzLmNvbS93cC1hZG1pbi9jb21t ZW50LnBocD9hY3Rpb249dHJhc2gmYz0zMTENClNwYW0gaXQ6IGh0dHBzOi8vemFzaG5haW4ud29y ZHByZXNzLmNvbS93cC1hZG1pbi9jb21tZW50LnBocD9hY3Rpb249c3BhbSZjPTMxMQ0KDQoNCllv dSBjYW4gcmVwbHkgdG8gdGhpcyBjb21tZW50IHZpYSBlbWFpbCBhcyB3ZWxsLCBqdXN0IGNsaWNr IHRoZSByZXBseSBidXR0b24gaW4geW91ciBlbWFpbCBjbGllbnQuDQoNCg0K ZashnainAn avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the plantations of Malaysia to the slums of Thailand. He can be […]

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Fucking ourselves with the Kama Sutra

Weeks ago, I was busy indulging myself with four women, over strong black coffee, on the smashing topic of Kama Sutra, 9-inch strap-on dildos, and sex positions. Oh yes, we spoke as articulately as possible, keeping checks on the occasional rasping breath, crooked sly smiles, and dazed eyes imagining something exotic as a double penetration mind-fucks. All […]

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Never bargain with a stalker, this is futile

Stalkers. Initially quite amusing or flattering. Then annoying. After that,  you’re trapped in their world. The stalker is the predator. You are the prey. Welcome to the start of your misery. ZashnainAn avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised communities since 1989. Nowadays he travels from the […]

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We Argue

We fight, We shout, We hurt, We cry, But despite it all, With all our imperfections and weaknesses, We miss each other, we need one another, we love each other,  Beyond words, We appreciate the friendship, Forever my love.    ZashnainAn avid blogger, twitterer and photojournalist, Zashnain Zainal suffers from an incurable addiction to social work, helping marginalised […]

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The Traveler: A Realm Without Borders?

I would love to travel the region, uninterrupted by the sour-faced immigration, corrupted customs and the need for passports. I would like to travel with just a backpack, my trustworthy watch and my cellphone. I would love to travel without the troublesome concept of borders. Imagine the world without borders. Imagine how we would feel with […]

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